Duke User Guide

Duke is a desktop app that helps you keep track of your tasks so that you can have a peace of mind. You can interact with Duke, the friendly chat bot and task manager, via a Command Line Interface (CLI).

Quick start

  1. Ensure you have Java 11 or above installed in your computer.
  2. Copy the duke.jar file to the folder you want to use as the home folder for Duke.
  3. Open your terminal and navigate to the home folder for Duke.
  4. Run java -jar duke.jar to start the program.

Refer to the Features section below for details of the commands available.


Listing all the tasks - list

Format: list

Lists all the tasks currently in your task list. There are 3 types of tasks: Todo, Deadline, and Event

Expected outcome:
All the tasks will be printed with a task number.

Listing tasks on a date - list

Format: list YYYY-MM-DD

Lists all the deadlines and events occurring on a date stated in the format YYYY-MM-DD.

Example of usage:
list 2020-09-20 will list all the deadlines and events on 20th Sept 2020.

Expected outcome:
All the deadlines and events occurring on YYYY-MM-DD will be printed.

Creating Todo task - todo


Creates a task of Todo type. The description of this todo task should be stated in TODO_DESCRIPTION. It cannot be left empty.

Example of usage:
todo borrow book will create a todo task with description ‘borrow book’

Expected outcome:
The successfully created todo task will be printed.

Creating Deadline task - deadline


Creates a task of Deadline type.
The description of this deadline task should be stated in DEADLINE_DESCRIPTION. It cannot be left empty.
The date or datetime that this deadline should be completed by has to be given in DEADLINE_BY. DEADLINE_BY can be in the format YYYY-MM-DD (date format) or YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS (datetime format).

Example of usage:
deadline return book /by 2020-09-20 will create a deadline task with description ‘return book’ due by 20th Sept 2020.
deadline return book /by 2020-09-20T23:59:00 will create a deadline task with description ‘return book’ due by 20th Sept 2020, 11.59pm.

Expected outcome:
The successfully created deadline task will be printed.

Creating Event task - event


Creates a task of Event type.
The description of this event task should be stated in EVENT_DESCRIPTION. It cannot be left empty.
The date or datetime that this event is at has to be given in EVENT_AT. EVENT_AT can be in the format YYYY-MM-DD (date format) or YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS (datetime format).

Example of usage:
event midterms /at 2020-09-29 will create an event task with description ‘midterms’ happening at 29th Sept 2020.
event midterms /at 2020-09-29T16:30:00 will create an event task with description ‘midterms’ happening at 29th Sept 2020, 4.30pm.

Expected outcome:
The successfully created event task will be printed.

Tagging a task - tag


Tags the task indicated by TASK_NUMBER (shown in list) with the TAG_DESCRIPTION.

Example of usage:
tag 2 groceries will tag the 2nd task in the list with the ‘#groceries’ tag.

Expected outcome:
The successfully tagged task will be printed.

Finding tasks - find

Format: find KEYWORD

Finds all the tasks that has descriptions containing KEYWORD. If KEYWORD starts with a ‘#’, this command will find all the tasks that has the tag KEYWORD.

Example of usage:
find book will find all the tasks that contains ‘book’ in its description. find #groceries will find all the tasks with the ‘groceries’ tag.

Expected outcome:
All the tasks found will be printed.

Marking tasks as done - done

Format: done TASK_NUMBER

Marks the task with TASK_NUMBER (shown in list) as completed.

Example of usage:
done 2 will mark the 2nd task as done.

Expected outcome:
The task marked as done will be printed.

Deleting tasks - delete

Format: delete TASK_NUMBER

Deletes the task with TASK_NUMBER (shown in list).

Example of usage:
delete 2 will delete the 2nd task.

Expected outcome:
The task deleted will be printed.

Exiting the program - bye

Format: bye

Exits the program.

Saving the data

All data will be saved automatically after any command that changes the data. The data will be saved in /data/duke.txt